Trail Closure South of the Arboretum

Icon Water is doing some works on the northern side of the high level crossing (Clos Bridge) of the Molonglo River below the Arboretum. The purpose is to reduce odour from sewerage which might offend the new residents of the Molonglo suburbs. They will be constructing a vent on a high point south west of the Arboretum and connecting to the sewer line that goes under the Clos Bridge. This will involve digging up a part of the firetrail around the intersection just after you come off the bridge. To ensure everyone’s safety they are closing a number of firetrails that could lead you into the construction area and diverting the Bicentennial National Trail route in a loop to the north. This will not make any
changes to the route between Equestrian Park and the Arboretum on the northern side of the River but you will be unable to use Close Bridge to cross the Molonglo as shown in the map below. The two low level crossings will still be available.

MVIS map 2016 final-02

Work is expected to start in August and could take 2 months depending on the weather.

Once this work is completed Icon will remove not only the fenced site office which has appeared near the North Weston Ponds but also the large strange green facility near the Cotter Road underpass.

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