E-scooter Expansion

The Government is committed to expanding the e-scooter network to connect Gungahlin and Woden. The Your Say website (https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/shared-e-scooter-expansion) contains in interactive map which allows people to comment on the proposed route.  ACTEA has found 2 places where adding silent bicycles to an existing network would be a problem for horse riders. The National Trail route between Cook horse paddocks and the Arboretum using the…

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Endurance Ride at Kowan Forest

After two very frustrating years the National Capital Endurance Ride, which was to have been held at “Brookvale” on 15-16 October 2022, will now be held at Kowen Forest on 22-23 October. This event, which is run by the ACTEA affiliate, ACT Endurance Riders Association Inc (ACTERA), will comprise an 80km endurance ride plus rides of 40, 22 and 13km and a 53km (40+13km) elevator.…

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Major Evoenergy Power Connection Works in Molonglo Valley

All the development which has been going on, and proposed for the future, in the Molonglo Valley has called for more power. To provide this power, Evoenergy is constructing a large new electricity substation. It has taken some time for the concept of a substation on the north-east corner of William Hovell Drive to morph from the ‘Whitlam substation’ into the ‘Molonglo substation’ but the…

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Draft Active Travel Plan

Transport Canberra and City Services has produced a Draft Active Travel Plan.  This sits under their Active Living Principles which were developed in 2015.  Some of these principles have been included in variations to the Territories Planning and Development Act. The Government’s Active Travel Map includes equestrian trails although it is less than accurate. This last consultation effort is aimed at providing cyclists and walkers…

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Submission Regarding the Duplication of William Hovell Drive

Submissions regarding the Development Application for the Duplication of William Hovell Drive close on 1 August. There are several places along the length of WHD between Drake Brockman Drive and Bindubi Street which are of concern to the ACT Equestrian Association and the local National Trail Co-ordinator – notably the underpass near Lands End. You can read the joint ACTEA/NT submission here

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William Hovell Duplication DA Now Open

Back in April  ACTEA and the National Trail Coordinator  reported that despite puting a lot of effort into the government consultation process relating to the duplication of  William Hovell Drive from Drake Brockman Drive to Coppins Crossing Road we had a very poor outcome. The duplication mostly impacts the National Trail link from Drake Brockman through an underpass to Hawker and on to Cook paddocks…

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New Trails in Canberra Nature Reserve

Here is evidence that if you hang in there long enough stuff will happen.  Waaay back in 2010, in its comments on the revised Canberra Nature park Plan of Management,  the ACTEA Committee sought access to additional management tracks in nature reserves.  As a result, the new Plan of Management [https://hdp-au-prod-app-act-yoursay-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/9716/3688/0713/Canberra_Nature_Park_Reserve_Management_Plan_2021.pdf] says Parks would look at additional access for horses. While there is no mention…

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Proposed new Code of Practice for the Welfare of Horses in the ACT

The ACT Animal Welfare Advisory Committee established by the Animal Welfare Act 1992 has undertaken a comprehensive review of the current Horses Code of Practice 1996 and determined that it  required considerable updating and redrafting.  ACTEA has been identified as a key stakeholder in relation to reviewing this proposed new code of practice. ACT horse owners are invited to comment on the new code via…

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William Hovell Duplication Update

Last year ACTEA and the National Trail Coordinator put a lot of effort into the government consultation process relating to the duplication of  William Hovell Drive from Drake Brockman Drive to Coppins Crossing Road. This duplication mostly impact the National Trail link from Drake Brockman through an underpass to Hawker and on to Cook paddocks. The works also provided an opportunity to make an additional…

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Cabling Works on Coulter Drive

As yet another bit of the electrification of Whitlam Evoenergy will begin installing an underground feeder along Coulter Drive between Springvale and William Hovell Drives commencing in the week prior to Easter, if not, just after, pending weather conditions and final approvals. About 0.6k of the works will be between the cavaletti south of the Springvale Drive junction and the underpass on the National Trail.…

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