Roads Being Sealed in the Arboretum

An article in the RiotAct today reported that work is about to start on upgrading the road network in the National Arboretum. This mainly means sealing 4.5km of internal dirt roads to enable vehicles safely into a larger area of the Arboretum. River Road, Totara Road and Depot Road will be sealed and there will also be more parking bays provided at the intersection of…

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Development of Forest Park Riding School Site

For anyone who missed it. After years of stop and start there is a project Works Approval before the National Capital Authority for a development on the old Forest Park Riding School site on the Cotter Road next door to Equestrian Park. Here is a link to Ian Bushnell’s summary in the RiotAct If you want more detail see the application on the National…

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Attending Horses During Lockdown Update

ACTEA has been in communication with the Minister for Health today following the ACT Government’s meeting with the NSW Cross -border Commission and have the following update. We understand that the NSW Cross-Border Commissioner has confirmed that care of animals is a “reasonable excuse” for being out of home in NSW. ACT public health restrictions allow ACT residents and NSW border residents to cross the…

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Attending Horses During Lockdown

Rachel Stephen-Smith, the ACT Minister for Health, advises that , people can leave their home to feed and exercise their horse as necessary. They can also cross the border to/from the local region to do this (we have a set of postcodes that define the local region for the purposes of a standing exemption and these are on the website). This exemption applies to the…

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Update on The Best of Canberra Mountain Bike Experience Project

In June this year two reports appeared on the Best of Canberra Your Say website, a Final Canberra Mountain Bike Report and a Draft Trail Development Plan. This was somewhat of a surprise since ACTEA and the ACT Endurance Riders Association understood from a meeting with Parks in August that they would “arrange a meeting with ACTERA once a trail designer has been engaged to…

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BNT Closed through Namadgi

  Closure dates: 12.01am Monday 21st June – 11.59pm Friday 25th June. Closure area: Within Namadgi National Park, entire area east of Boboyan Road.  This includes the entire BNT section from Caloola Farm, all the way to where it crosses Boboyan Rd near the southern border (Carey’s Fire Trail). Works being undertaken: aerial deer control program in response to growing concerns about the impacts of…

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Stromlo Forest Park Update

At some time in 2020 the management of the National Arboretum also became managers of Stromlo Forest Park (SFP). One of their first steps has been to revisit the 2016 Master Plan for SFP. The new managers are concerned Stromlo isn’t well placed to cope with the future impact of the surrounding suburban development. Already they see issues with the downhill trails due to limited…

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Tree Removal Near Clos Crossing Bridge

Parks and Conservation have let a contract to remove pine wildings growing between the Molonglo River and the management track leading to the northern approach to Clos Crossing (the high level bridge) during the next month. The contractor expects to start in the next week or so and will give ACTEA a heads up when that happens. He will display signs from the Tuggeranong Parkway…

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The Cemetery at Rose Cottage Horse Paddocks Submissions Close Soon

ACTEA has just become aware that a public consultation process on the proposed Southern Cemetery, ( which will impact the Rose Cottage Horse Paddocks has been up on the Your Say website since 14 April and the deadline for submissions is one week away on 7 June. If you have comments after reading the Masterplan documents you can either complete the survey or email the…

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Hendra Virus identified in Grey-Headed Flying Foxes in South Australia

Studies conducted into a colony of grey-headed flying foxes which migrated from the east coast to Adelaide about a decade ago have revealed that they are carrying antibodies for Hendra Virus. Until now, information about Hendra Virus has been linked to black-headed and spectacled flying foxes which tend to be tropical and sub-tropical species. Until now all spill-over events to horses have occurred in the…

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