E-scooter Expansion

The Government is committed to expanding the e-scooter network to connect Gungahlin and Woden. The Your Say website (https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/shared-e-scooter-expansion) contains in interactive map which allows people to comment on the proposed route.  ACTEA has found 2 places where adding silent bicycles to an existing network would be a problem for horse riders.

  1. The National Trail route between Cook horse paddocks and the Arboretum using the existing problematic bike path
  2. The existing bike path near the southern entrance to Equestrian Park.

So far most comments are about adding extension to the proposed routes in suburbs riders probably don’t use.

Comments close on 24 October. Equestrians are encouraged to comment on this proposed network now because it will be harder to influence later if we don’t.

You can also send comments to ACTEA at info@actea.asn.au


Comments are closed.