Duffy Dog Park Approved with Conditions

The ACT Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate has approved the Development Application to construct the new dog park of Warragamba Avenue in Duffy. The conditions of approval require Capital Works to consult extensively with ACTEA regarding the measures proposed to create a safe equestrian crossing. Importantly, ongoing consultation with ACTEA throughout the construction process is part of the imposed conditions.
In addition to a long list of conditions imposed on the access road, Capital Works must consult with ACTEA in preparation of a Temporary Traffic Management Plan, designed to manage all traffic including horse riders and construction traffic in and around the site, prior to commencement of any work and its implementation on site.
To adequately represent local riders on Warragamba Avenue ACTEA will rely on them to alert us (info@actea.asn.au) of any safety issues they have as this development progresses.

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