Bus Layover Works at Top of Hindmarsh Drive

Starting 20 Novemeber some major works will commence on an extension to the existing bus layover at the intersection of Hindmarsh and Eucumbene Drives. Works will include the following stages:

  1. creating a BNT route behind a fence west of the current vehicle parking and dumping ground at the end of Eucumbene Drive
  2. realigning the entrance drive into the Canberra Equestrian Centre
  3. extending the bus parking area further to the west

A drawing of the proposed changes is attached. The new BNT route is the mauve loop to the far left. The new CEC entrance is the solid purple curve next to the orange bus layover. Works on the layover itself will not commence until the new BNT and CEC access routes are in place.

It is proposed to keep both the BNT and CEC open throughout the works and appropriate signage will be installed to ensure normal connections continue. The works compound will be sited well away from the horse trail to the southern end of the green space behind the bus layover. There will be some heavy machinery around in the first stage of the BNT construction but workers will be asked to turn off their engines if they spot a horse. There will be no operations on a Sunday and they will usually down tools around 1pm on Saturday.

Stage 1 and 2 of the construction is expected to be finished by Xmas.

Please pass this info to anyone you know who uses this section of the BNT. The contractors, Dale and Hitchcock, want to hear about any issues anyone has during the upgrade so, for safety’s sake, contact ACTEA at info@actea.asn.au and let us know asap and we can sort it out early.


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