Stromlo Forest Park News

Stromlo Forest Park have updated all their maps, including 3 maps of potential loop rides on the marked equestrian trails. You can download the Park Map and the 3 loop maps from the SFP website at

SFP management will soon be commencing repair and upgrade of many of their fire/equestrian trails on the eastern side of the mountain and a few sections in west Stromlo.

Once it starts the work will take 6-8 weeks to complete. Short sections of trail will be closed while heavy equipment is in use. Before the heavy machinery moves in, a “Tritter” machine will thin/remove vegetation encroaching on the trails. This will probably start near the top of the mountain on the eastern side as some of these trails are overgrown. Tritter machines are very noisy so you will have plenty of warning of their presence. Any work on the trails will be clearly marked with signage and detours as required.

After years of waiting we are getting close to closing the gap between Stromlo and the Molonglo River. On Wednesday 16 August ACTEA and the BNT Coordinator met with landscapers working on the design of the new North Wright development. This will include an open space link between the John Gorton Parkway underpass and the north east corner of SFP. It is not a very pretty link, including as it does the stub of the old Uriarra Road, but it will suit the purpose.

The BNT will travel between the western bank of Holdens Creek and the manicured grass running track. There are a few pinch points to be worked out but there is clear light at the end of this tunnel.

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