Time to Renew Affiliation Fees

The ACTEA Secretary is now distributing invoices for annual fees to current ACTEA affiliates. Delegates of affiliates cannot vote for election of office bearers or motions for action at the Annual General Meeting on 9 June if their club is not financial. A current list of affiliates is at http://www.actea.asn.au/affiliates

ACTEA’s affiliation fees are extremely modest for the services provided by the Committee each year. ACT Sport & Recreation Services have remarked that no other peak recreation body in Canberra provides such a high level of service for so little. ACTEA is active in supporting and promoting equestrian activity in the Territory and surrounding area by:

  • negotiating with the government about maintaining and improving recreational trails in the face of the constant pressure from urban development
  • negotiating for the inclusion of new trails in greenfields developments
  • advising the government about design and construction standards for safe equestrian trails
  • acting as a on- stop-shop for government consultation with the local equestrian community
  • holding the licence for development and management of Equestrian Park at Curtin through the highly effective Equestrian Park Management Group

The broader the spectrum of equestrian activities ACTEA can say that it represents to government the stronger our collective voice.

Your club can become part of an effective community group by contacting the ACTEA Secretary. Fees are $50 for the year 1 April/31 March.

Individuals can become non-voting Associates for $20 per annum. Associates are most welcome to attend Committee Meetings.

Affiliation renewals are now rolling in but if you have not renewed or are thinking about joining us we need your fees by the AGM on 9 June. You can ask for an invoice to be forwarded to you by emailing info@actea.asn.au

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