Survey of Political Candidates – Labor leaves it to the last minute

The Labor Party response to the ACTEA Survey is here.

ACTEA comment to the ALP Secretary was that it reads as if its creator has never spoken to a horse rider.




Yesterday the Greens sent ACTEA their overall sport and recreation policy. While the summary is pretty innocuous the more detailed description at contains commitments that are very concerning for equestrians. In particular the Greens have been lobbied by the alliance of runners and cyclists who call themselves the Stromlo Users Group. This Group has never included horse riders and is at the forefront of lobbying for more trails and more facilities at Stromlo, many of which will make equestrian trails unsafe.

In addition, before the public consultation process has even finished the Greens have committed $700,000 to support the goals of the Report on Mountain Biking in the ACT. This is without hearing from any of the other community groups impacted by the proposals or waiting for the outcome of the public consultation process.

Yesterday ACTEA contacted Emma Davidson, the Greens spokesperson on Sport & Recreation and made it very clear that despite telling us on the one hand that they support equestrian sport they were on the other hand doing their best to support activities which will limit equestrian access to recreational space. After a strenuous discussion Emma sent this statement this morning.

We have not heard a peep out of the Labor Party despite multiple attempts to jog their elbow.


As it did prior to the 2016 Election, ACTEA has canvassed the major parties on their views about issues important to the equestrian community with the promise to circulate them to voters who own a horse before the poll on 17 October. All parties have been pretty tardy this year and we have had to follow them up.

The Liberal Party response is here.

The Greens response is here.

Labor Party response – yet to arrive

Of the individual candidates only (Greens for Brindabella) and  Brendan Forde and Taimus Werner-Gibbings (both Labor for Brindabella) bothered to reply indiviually and in some cases ask questions.

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