Stromlo Forest Park Coaching Trails

On 14 September ACTEA advised Affiliates and the Stromlo Riders that Stromlo  Forest Park have added some mountain bike trails near Bluegums impacting on the link trail from the Cotter Road. While they are supposed to be dedicated to teaching riding skills most of the people we have seen riding them are not in any class and don’t appear to be in need of teaching. The design of these trails breaks all the design principles that are supposed to operate at SFP. After a site inspection and discussions with SFP Management they have developed a better map which makes the extent of the equestrian trails very clear and includes conditions on the form to be completed by those booking the trails.

Since this strategy only applies to those officially booking the bike trails and they are clearly being used by many other people there is no expectation that the approach will cover all potential users. ACTEA wants to hear from anyone who has been impacted by mountain bikes on these equestrian trails.

Back in August, ACTEA was advised that the Holdens Creek crossing into SFP from the Cotter Road was dangerously eroded. Apparently it had been like that for some time but no one had thought to report it! Darren Rope, the new facility manager at SFP, has arranged for remediation works to be carried out and the crossing is now reported to be fixed. Horse riders do not have to put up with second rate trails – report damage and degradation as soon as it happens!!

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