Excavations at The Pinnacle

As part of the development of the new suburb of Whitlam on the southern side of William Hovell Drive a new water main is being extended down from Weetangera. It will traverse the whole of The Pinnacles Nature Reserve from the big water tanks on Springvale Drive. While it will make a very big trench through the nature reserve it will only cross one equestrian trail at the southern side closest to William Hovel Drive.

The trench will be quite wide and fenced. Where it shows a “Pedestrian Walkway Crossing Point” at the bottom of this map there will be a fire trail wide gap left in the fence to allow people and horses to cross the route of the construction works. At these locations the contractor will lay the main up to the crossing point, backfill the work they have just done, then move the crossing point back over the work just completed.

A permanent gap has been left in temporary fencing around the reservoir for the BNT route along Springvale Drive. This crossing point will not need to be adjusted as mentioned in the above paragraph.

Work on the water main construction should start in mid October.

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