At the end of 2021 ACTEA made a submission to the review of the elderly Murrumbidgee River Corridor Management Plan. The main thrust of that submission was to seek an improved and safer route for the National Trail from Point Hutt to Namadgi through Tharwa. You can read the ACTEA submission on the ACTEA website at
The government Your Say website now contains an update on the review at which summarises the input from the community in a Listening Report. It is good to see that horse riding, which is presently banned from the River Corridor Reserve remains on the list of future recreational options.
The Listening Report advises that
All submissions will be considered and will inform the development of a new draft Murrumbidgee River Corridor Reserve Management Plan, with work commencing in 2022. Consultation with key stakeholders and the broader community will inform development of the draft plan.
The next stage of this review will take place into 2023 including further consultation.